Friday, January 20, 2012

Online Platform Perseverance

Creating a platform is one of the most difficult challenges I have ever encountered. It involves intense dedication combined with a ridiculous amount of perseverance. This blog is just one of the many tools I am using to try, (sometimes vainly I think,) to build a platform. This blog is probably the strongest method I use, but I also write short stories for, interact with various writing groups on LinkedIn, circle writers in Google+, use twitter, and have an official writer's website.

I have gotten to know many people, most of them writers, through these methods, but I feel I am lacking in the construction of a platform. This consideration does not deter me. I know that the process of creating a platform is a long and arduous process; but I have the perseverance necessary, of this I have convinced myself. In the slow ticking of time I know that the only way I will build a platform is by steadily supplying quality posts, short stories, and social network interaction.

1 comment:

  1. It takes a long time, it never really stops, and it's absolutely vital.


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